Saturday, July 5, 2014


I always thought that I was always going to be healthy, kind of invincible in a way. Live a life full of great things that right now I have some of that great life. I have a wife that loves me and three beautiful girls that are the light of my soul. But now that I have gotten older I see that I am not invincible, that I am getting older and my body is changing.

I had some test done to me in the past and my back is broken and recently I found out that I have glaucoma. It has not been easy deal with this but I truly believe that I will overcome it and try to change my ways of eating and dieting. I know I have said that in that past. But when you get tired and out of breath just by playing a couple of minutes with your kids, it’s really a time for a change. I also want to share a dream I had the other night. I might have to do with my decision of changing my ways to healthier ones. 

I was in the cemetery. There were a lot of people there that I knew and others that looked familiar. But the closer I got to the casket I notice my mother, my daughters, my wife and the rest of my family sitting in a separate area. When I look at the wood box that everyone was looking at, for my surprise I saw myself. I was in shock, I could not believe it. I went in front of my family and yelled at them “I am here right in front of you guys”. They kept on crying. I went to hug my daughters and I couldn’t. I started to cry, but it was not water coming out of my eyes, it was blood. I went to hug my wife and I went straight thru. I could not believe it. I looked around and everyone was there. 

Then far away I saw a man coming towards me. As he got closer I could see that it was my father and he was the only one able to see me. He came to me and hugged me. It was amazing. And then looked at me and told me “Son don't worry your family will be ok. But the Lord has a better plan for you and the blood you are crying is all the pain and anger you have inside”. I just stood still and couldn't believe what was happening. Once again I went to my girls, kissed them in the forehead, kissed my wife on the lips, went to each and one of my family members and hugged them. Then went to all my friends and hugged them too. Then my father once again spoke to me and said “Son don't worry everything will be ok. Let go and let God.” And I woke up. 

This dream here has had me thinking so much about my family and those true friends I have. Those that, when I am not around worry and when I’m close to them are happy. Why? Because I can bring a smile to their face. I can give them an advice and they will listen and make it happen. So thank you to my true friends. And most of all thank you to my family for your support and love you have showed me.

I understand that life is not easy, that you need to take a breath and think in the positive in your life. But I also understand that one day we shall die and when that day comes (which we will never know because we know when we are born but not when we die) I want to make sure that I have touched someone’s heart for the good. That my words have changed someone’s life for the better. 

But I truly know that when an issue pops up I should Let Go and Let God. 

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