Friday, June 27, 2014

Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you believe in ghost or spirits?

I believe in reincarnation and that we come back to fix or try to pay for your past mistakes. Some people ask themselves, how can this possible? I am buried six feet in the ground, inside a casket and surrounded by concrete. Well we are not talking about your body, because we all know where your physical body goes to. We are talking about your soul, your spirit. There are cases that people are dead in the operating table and have said (well after they come back) that they saw a light and that something pulled them back. What did actually pull them back to keep living their lives? Could it be that they needed to help someone accomplish something or even save someone from committing some irrational act that would affect the world?

Have you ever heard about people saying that they saw shadows or things moving? Yes and they do exist. Because when you see your baby doing baby talk with absolutely nothing and holding a full conversation, the first thing you say “oh how cute”. But have you ever wondered who your baby is talking too. Or why your baby comes up with words or names that you have not taught them? Exactly, so don't get scared when this happens. Just pay attention to their body language, words they use (which are not always understandable but you might grasp one or two words) and where in the house they normally sit down and randomly start talking. 

They also say that crazy people talk to themselves. Are they really talking to themselves? Haven't you noticed how they live in a world where they are right and you are wrong? These people are living in a world where they have been before and it’s hard to unite with their actual life. It’s a glitch in their brain and believes it’s hard to explain. And then we lock them up in hospitals that treat them like garbage and don’t really treat them. They use them as experiments to try new drugs and procedures. But this is what I found in Wikipedia as a definition for crazy: insanity is most commonly encountered as an informal unscientific term denoting mental instability, or in the narrow legal context of the insanity defense. In the medical profession the term is now avoided in favor of diagnoses of specific mental disorders; the presence of delusions or hallucinations is broadly referred to as psychosis.  When discussing mental illness in general terms, "psychopathology" is considered a preferred descriptor. So is this right, is it an illness that makes you do things or say things that are irrational? I leave that to you to define. 

So next time you see a shadow or hear things don't feel scared. Just let it be or pray. Whichever you chose is your decision. But when you start seeing things moving and doors opening and closing, is time to move and have someone bless your new location. 

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