Sunday, July 13, 2014

Family and Work.

There are times that you need to re-evaluate your life. Try to make decisions that will impact your life for the better. I take care of my family, make sure that they have everything that I can provide for them and then I work in a place where I can’t fully demonstrate my full skills. I will be breaking this up in two topics: family and work.


I have dedicated my life to my family. Making sure that they have what they need in a daily basis. My daughters are my life. From the oldest that is eight to the smallest that is seven months. I make sure that before going to work or before any trip we take they have everything they need to be able to good care of them. From diapers, wipes, formula, extra bottles, formula, extra clothes to their toys. I also make sure that they are comfortable in the car with air conditioner on and their car seats are nice and secure. Not only my girls get the pampering, I also make sure my wife has what she needs in a daily basis too. From her drinks to her snacks and you can ask her. Plus when she least expect it I give her small presents just because.
I like cooking, cleaning and making sure that everything in the house in good specs. My wife tells me that I have severe OCD. And it might be true because I don’t stop until everything is done. But I like to see everything clean.

I also enjoy our small family trips to visit our friends and family. Especially the Pacheco’s, they are always fun to around with. But when we have to go to Nashville or I decide to take a walk at the mall, I truly enjoy it. Being able to be with my family and give to them is my life. And yes I have been told that I need a break and rest, but I was not raised that way. So dear reader remember regardless the situation family is always first not matter what.


I have loved to work since I can remember. Enjoyed it all the way because is a source of taking care family, bills and small once in a blue moon things for yourself.

I have had several jobs, ones that I have truly enjoyed and other that I am there because I need the money. The ones that I have truly enjoyed have been few but good. Those have made me smarter and able to take tasks that were above my head and succeed. Have made me a better person intellectually. Some have given me the ability to demonstrate my skills and be able to learn new ones.

The other jobs have opened my mind to understand how incompetent and unorganized some people in the higher positions can be. Never letting you to show your skills and knowledge in better more focus positions. They are ungrateful and use you for their advantage. Paying you less than what you really worth. But I stood there because I needed the money. Some of these people don’t understand that we have families too. These companies change constantly and never have an employee point of view. How easy would it be if we could give suggestions to make the company better and were really taken into action. But no, because their objective is to make that money no matter the cost. While they travel and never available to answer a simple email or a phone call. But you always see them and saying we are here for you no matter what. Really? Are you?

But soon these companies will realize that it’s not all about them. That the employee also has creativity and can make things work is such a correct and better way.

Whatever your decision is in life, make sure you make the correct one. Choose wisely and use your head. Life is all about family. Because once you lose then it is real hard to get them back.

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