Monday, May 19, 2014

This Monopoly we live in.

As time passes by I find my self surrounded by this monopoly. A monopoly that is congested by money followed by power and then ending with poverty. Struggling with the day by day job that some you hate or just don't care. Driving on the highway all I see is angry and sad people. When will it end? Is there an expiration date?

 Everything is so hard now a days. Let me re-phrase that, it's complicated for the hard working people that try to make a decent living for there family.  Our system makes us work harder for the same amount of money or even cover our eyes trying to buy us with something meaningless. We are all affected by our own decisions.

When voting we go with the one that promises and promises. Giving us little things to keep us wanting more and them wanting that vote from us. But have you notice that as soon we post that vote everything changes from bad to worse. That what was promised to us is flushed down the drain. That a war in other countries is more important than the education of our children, our future. Or even giving money away instead of fixing our own budget.

Why? Because we want to be on top of everything. Want to have absolute power over the whole world, by neglecting their own. That cannot be. We need to be able to help our own first before stepping out the lines and helping other. I understand that other countries are in really bad shape and that some need the help. But focus on our issues first. Far most trying to give our kids a better future with a great education.

I have seen people crying (men and woman) because they can't make budget for their families. Because they don't know where there next meal will come from. The richer are getting richer and the poor are diminishing little by little. Doing things that will impact their lives for ever. Things that they never thought they would be doing. Selling drugs just to be able to give their families a better living. Robbing banks or small businesses without caring about the consequences. Not saying that I condole this, but it's happening right now somewhere in America as you read this.

We need to try harder. Sacrifices in life are to be made. Sometimes you have to lose something to gain a world of riches. But most of all you have to have faith in God. It doesn't matter how hard it gets or how many walls you encounter. God has the solution. The government will be the government. We will never be able to change that. But we sure can make a difference. A difference in our own life. So take that step and make a change for your family or loved ones. Today you might me the one struggling but with hard work and dedication you be on top.


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