Friday, August 1, 2014

Understanding a woman.

So today I was looking for something to read and saw one of my wife’s Cosmopolitan magazines and decided to check it out, trying to see or at least a glimpse of how a woman thinks. And almost every article is about sex, love, make up, fashion and knowing the latest scoop on an artist. How can a woman base her life on what they read on a magazine? It amazes me that a woman to look beautiful has to change her whole appearance just to please others or even fit in. And putting their love life all around the web. There are times that a woman would dress up nice and look elegant maybe for work or a party. But some woman take it too far. But going back on the magazine I have noticed that it’s all about fashion and trying to impress others with their new look. But why? 
There are times that looking up for information beauty tips are ok. But when you base your life on all these expensive makeups that in the long run they will just ruin your face and take away that natural beauty, it can get very obsessive. I have seen woman that it looks like the Crayola Company had a party on their face or the whole box exploded on them. And why pay so much money for a something that sometimes takes you minutes to put on and years to remove from your face. Keep your natural beauty and try to use all natural stuff. But once again also use makeup appropriately for the occasion not to look like a clown. 
Sex has been one of the most fascinating things to perform with your loved one. It supposed to be kept to each other. Not to be told among thousands of readers that will laugh at your comments or stories. If you have a problem with your significant other, just tell him or her (I’m no one to judge you). Too hard, to small, to fast, not passionate enough, too boring or just not enjoying it, just be honest with him or her. There are ways to fix how you as a woman want to be treated and pleased in the act of sex or love (however you want to call it). If your significant other understands you he/she will please you all the way. Or if you just want to spice things up suggest some fruits, lotions, drinks, sex toys or if you are into adult porn (if you are into that) well that is all up to you. Even re-create you’re far most fantasy. It’s all about keeping it alive. The moment that it starts to be a routine then it’s all over. But most important keep your sex life in house. When you have that special bond, that special communication then it can be fixed. So enjoy your sex life and be honest with your partner.
Let’s get something straight love and sex are not the same thing. Love is a feeling that can’t be described when it’s unique and true. Love can be experienced in different ways. And love for your spouse or significant other is not the same thing as love for your kids or even friends. As I read an article in the magazine they describe it as something like in the fairy tales (which is not true) and others describe it as just a pastime to get what they want (really?). But it should be more than that. Love should be felt and express in the most unique way possible. But why say I love you and not mean it? Why try to use love for your convenience? Not saying that men don’t use it at their advantage (which I will be writing about later on another blog). The love for your significant other should be without no boundaries, no jealousy and no restrictions. And it amazes me that some woman have to depend on a magazine to get their “love” tips. And if you don’t feel nothing for your significant other just be honest, tell them how it is. There might be a solution to the problem. Re-live those special moments and try to light that spark. But if that spark creates no fire then is time to part without no regrets.
Ok this should be very interesting to explain. Why would you want to wrap a curtain around your body just to be with the “in” fashion? Or even use some funky clothes that does not even describe or show your beautiful body. Try to use clothes that you feel free and good. That will describe who you are. But please use clothes that fits and not are baggie or are imprinted on you like a tattoo. There is a particular wardrobe that can’t be used all the time and those are leggings. I have seen this and I wonder if she looked at herself in the mirror before leaving the house. There is a time and place to wear leggings and they are not for the use of “everyone”. I know that you feel confident with your body and don’t care what others think but please have some consideration for others. There is a thing called a gym or park use them there. Don’t let the “in” make you look like a fool just to please others. Wear whatever you want (minus leggings) and that is suitable for the workplace, disco, church or just to go to Wal-Mart.
Latest scoop on an artist.
We all love to watch tv or go to the movies, listen to some good music and even go to concerts of these great artist. But I have noticed that some woman like to stay in touch with all the artist and what they are doing. They enjoy the famous world believing that one day they can become that famous or be in that type of world. I know some woman that can't live a day with out watching those intriguing soap operas. When I was working as a cable installer I had female clients wanting to be able to watch their soap operas and the E! (Entertainment) channel. And this just make me laugh. Another experience I had was a older woman that had the whole collection of Marilyn Monroe and Gone With The Wind in her house. From plates to clothes, from dolls to lamps, it was insane. You can even see them on the grocery line reading the magazines and telling their friends about it. Wanting to keep up with the Kardashians or Jenifer Lopez. But it's very interesting to watch them try to become those type of people day by day.

So in conclusion please be yourself. Enjoy life and your family to the fullest. And sex is to be explored with that special someone in ways that would make you feel good about yourself. Don't live by the fashion, live by what makes you feel good and sexy. Enjoy your body to the fullest. Love those that love you. And don't let no man or woman tell you that you are not beautiful or even criticize you.

We as men might never understand how woman think but we can change that by trying to please them. 

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