Sunday, March 29, 2015

Two Angels

We wake up day in day out with pains and aches. Going straight to the bathroom to brush our teeth and use the bathroom. Then we go straight to the kitchen to prepare that delicious coffee that you can’t live without. While it’s preparing you look around to see what you will be doing that day. The aroma of that great smell start overwhelming your taste buds. You grab your favorite mug, pour the coffee in, and add some milk and sugar. Stir it until you reach the point of greatness. Take a small sip and what a great taste. So you start heading to your favorite spot in the house to drink your coffee. While everyone is sleeping you’re just taking it in that moment of silence just pure relaxation.

You decide that you want some crackers with the coffee. Once again you head to the kitchen open the pantry and there they are. Your favorite cracker, just amazing. And you sit back at your favorite spot. Just thinking once again “What should I do today?” You look at your phone to check the time and you notice that is only 6:30 am. 

You then head back to the porch and feel that amazing cool breeze cover your face. But is too chilly for you so you go back inside and look out the window to watch the sunrise. Then there you just stop in amazement without saying one word. You are speechless and you can’t even move. Astonished by what you have seen and heard that there are no words to describe it.

You have seen two angels descent while the sun shined upon the earth. They have looked at you and with the sweetest voice that you have ever heard in your life. They just told you “We have descended to remind you that we have been there for you when you needed us the most¸ in your sad moments, in your happy moments and even in the moments that you felt that no one was there for you. So when you wake every morning never forget who woke you up, who gave you the breath of life so you can enjoy the riches in life. 

Yes you are right, you are not rich with money or material things. But you are surrounded by family and friends that love you. You are also surrounded by this amazing world that our Father has given you to use it as your playground. Do well in life, treat others with respect, follow the law of God our father and believe us son that the world with be yours to conquer”.
This message brought so much joy to you. You just kneeled down and prayed. Thanking God for everything you have been given. 

Remember that life is only one so remember who gave it to you. Remember that one act of kindness will make your life more enjoyable. Teach your kids the importance of kindness, respect and love for those in their life. When you wake up every morning just remember who woke you up. You have a purpose in life so don’t go ahead of yourself. Be patient it will come.

God bless.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

My stay at La Quinta Inns & Suites

After a long drive from Clarksville TN to be able to surprise my wife’s dad, I was pretty exhausted of the trip. With my daily morning routine of getting up at 5:30 am and driving for nine hours I needed a rest. 

So our first choice was Holiday Express but we didn't choose them because they are not pet friendly. They just accept service dogs which is ok but they need to be able to win all type of pets. I understand there is a weight and breed restriction, but come on you lose a lot of customers that way. So the receptionist of that hotel told us about several hotels nearby and that were dog friendly. Some of these hotels I never had heard of, maybe it’s a Mount Pleasant thing. 

So I take myself and the family to La Quinta Inn where as soon as I walk in I was greeted with a smile. Amazing; that was the first thing that popped in my head. They even had a dogie treat jar at the receptionist desk. Pretty cool. The receptionist was very respectful and courteous. My check-in was pretty fast and relaxing, did not even need to show a bunch of id’s or paper work. They even gave me a USAA discount (thank you for that). 

So the hotel has a bunch of amenities and extra bonuses. From a gym, pool, business conference room to an amazing breakfast area. The breakfast area welcomes you with the option from cold cereal to hot cereal, eggs, sausage, biscuits with gravy and a variety of different drinks from natural juices to great tasting coffee. 

The room was clean and organized. The only thing that I found a little discomfort was that the bathroom even though it was clean had a slight smell of cigarette smoke which bothered me because I don’t smoke. But after running the shower in hot for 20 minutes the smell went away.

My overall experience in this hotel was great and amazing. From dog friendly to awesome customer service. That will be one of my favorite hotels to stay in. I would like to thank all the personnel that worked there and gave me a great service.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Making sacrifices even if they hurt.

As we look to the past we can see that we have lost so much but we have gained even more. Life has taught us that if you want it that bad you have to fight for it and make it happen. And sometimes there are sacrifices along the way. Sacrifices that will break you or make you. But some of us keep trying even if we fail, while others just give up without even trying.

Like a marriage, if you truly love that person you will tell her/him how you feel even if it hurts. Sometimes that is the only way that it will get better. Truth brings pain and pain will make you stronger. A bond that no one can’t explain, sacrifices that will be made and promises that will be kept even if it means falling a million times.

When you have a job that you want to be successful at and there are a million obstacles that make that impossible. And you still keep on going making so many changes to your life just to be able to accomplish what you have wanted and desired. There are people that will go all the way, be extreme and try to win the boss or bosses. But how far will you go to accomplish this? How desperate are you?

A person that weights 400 lbs. want to be able to lose all that weight for his sake and his family.  He/she starts this journey of pure pain and meltdowns. Stopping at nothing to at least lose 150 lbs. Pain, depression, fatigue, all sort of emotions take over that person. Making that person cry themselves to sleep. Meanwhile there are the doctors, family and friends cheering them all the way. From short exercises to eating right. But are they willing to sacrifice their sweets, sodas, greasy foods and cigarettes to live longer for him or herself? 

I put down my own example. In 2014 I was pretty overweight, did not feel happy with who I had become. I was eating all sorts of things, especially greasy foods, sweets, eating at fast foods, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer with my meals and was not consuming enough water. Every time I played with my girls I was extremely exhausted and felt that my heart was going to explode from my chest. I could not even run around the block because my knees and back would kill me. Making me walk in a very slow pace. Just wanting my bed and pain killers.  And there was no exercise in my life. But I decided to become a better person not only for myself but for my girls. Because I did not want to be one of those parents that their kids are active and they are lodging in the couch with beer and chips all day.

 So as soon 2015 started it was time for a change. Every morning and evening (before showering) I did 50 sit-ups. Parked my car further away just to walk extra. Started cooking my meals and drinking way more water (which I drop a couple of natural lemon juice to change the flavor, lol). Ad eve joined a gym, which is convenient for me because I’m an early bird and that it’s open 24/7. I feel the difference in my body. I won’t lie, I do sometimes indulge myself to some sweets and a beer. But it’s not like I used to. And I’m active no more than ever. There are times that I take a rest day and my body is asking for exercise or to start moving. But believe me I do get up and start cleaning, cooking or anything that will keep me active. Sacrifices in life that will make me a better person. 

Life is a challenge and sacrifice. Where everything conspires against you to make it somewhat impossible to reach your goals. But with determination anything and everything is possible. Don’t give up on your goals and don’t let no one change your way of being (well if it’s for the better then yes make it happen). Set your priorities and what you want in life. Make it happen no matter what. This will be a daily routine that will break you in way that will make you a better person. Family always first and never lose faith in God and those that are there for you no matter what. 

Live, Love and Laugh.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Obesity - Making the world an unhealthy place.

As I go down the road and look at all the fast food corporations I am just wowed by the multitude of people that come in and out of those places. And yes I am one of them, not all the time but once in a while I will indulge my self in a hamburger or a chicken salad. Which I have tried to cut down since I have been going to the gym. But my biggest point here is that we as a whole society are killing ourselves just to feed a craving that is killing us slowly.

Each fast food restaurant will tell you that they are healthier than the other one. Are they really? Can we eat from there on a daily basis? Can we guarantee that all of our foods will be fresh and cooked on the spot? No, not in a million years. All those foods are processed and frozen. They are not fresh and likely could have been there for some time. But we don't care, because a juicy burger is better than anything at the moment of the craving.

But lets think about this for a minute, which blows my mind every time. How can they say they are healthy when you go in try to buy a salad and is marked at 5.99 (and that is only the salad with out the drink), meanwhile a hamburger meal is 4:99 (fries and drink included). Or a water is 1.99 and a fountain drink is 0.99. And which you think that we are going to choose... right, the cheaper one.

I have seen 7 year old's eating like they are adults and are about your same weight or 15 lbs heavier. And adults that drive up and down on the scooters with an average weight of 350 or more. Which some I do understand that is a medical condition (diabetes, swollen glands, water retain, etc). But why let that take you down with all these fast foods and super sugary treats.

We need to focus on our health and our children's health. And as a parent you try to let your child indulge them selves in all this. I won't lie, I do take my daughter to a fast food restaurant once in a blue moon and buy them some fries, apple juice or milk and a small hamburger. But when we are home I feed them fruits, vegetables, foods that I cook and plenty of liquids (water, milk, juices). And I have never given my girls no soda. Why? Because that is how they start, plus they are super sweet and it will put them so hyper that for nap time, it will never happen.

I was 218 lbs, and I thought to my self "If I continue eating junk food, grease foods and sweets there will come the time that I won't be able to play with my girls or even enjoy a stroll with them at the park because I am super over weight". And it clicked "I need a change", so I joined a gym and started eating healthier. Cooked my own meals and started watching what I consumed. And believe me I feel much better about my accomplishments, and I weigh now 205 lbs. My goal is 175 lbs, which by not giving up I will get there.

So if you look in the mirror in the morning before heading out to work and see yourself not to your own liking. DO something about it. Take that leap and loose weight, stay in shape, try to eat healthier, instead of eating a candy bar grab an apple. Do it to make a difference in your life, for you and your loved ones. It may be hard in the beginning but you will love the outcome if you follow it with dedication.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Cooking - An art of beauty flavor.

Cooking has always been something that I have been fond about. The different colors, the savory tastes, the captivating smells and great feeling of making a delicious meal that others will enjoy.

From making pastries to cooking a full meal with desserts I learn from each one of them. How to make it better with more taste, more color, more vegetables and fruits. Lately I have been using more basil, oregano, garlic and saffron. It has been giving me this delicate but mouth watering taste that makes me enjoy it more. Even though I recently started cooking different things, I am in a stage of my life that I want to learn more about it. Show what my latin culture is all about. 

I love to season my meats and leaving them over night in the fridge so they can absorb all that juicy taste of all those succulent spices. Also chop my vegetables to small sizes so they can release their natural flavors in the meal I prepare. Trying to search what I need to buy for my next cooking session. Yes I call them sessions because it's a learning experience where I focus on preparing that amazing meal that my friends and family will taste and enjoy. Listening to some latin music, mellow jazz or even some Bob Marley that will keep me going. 

I also must have a clean kitchen and all the utensils I use. There is nothing more satisfying to have cooked a delicious meal and have your kitchen super clean. It might be considered OCD but as soon as I use something I have to wash it and but it to dry. Because I might need to use it again. I keep a kitchen towel on my left shoulder just in case I have to clean my knife, clean a plate or even dry my hands. And talking about hands, they are constantly touching everything and believe me they are always getting washed. 

I don't have a degree in culinary arts or even a certificate to show it. I cook from the heart and I truly enjoy doing it. But I'm happy when I have friends tasting my cooking and enjoy it so much that they ask me how it was done. Now that feeling right there is indescribable, a feeling that makes you just keep cooking more and better. One day I know that I will be cooking for a lot of people. Showing others that what you want can truly come true with dedication, experimenting, learning and never giving up.

Do what you love, love what you do. Enjoy your kitchen and remember that when you cook there are no limits. Use your imagination. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

The evil within.

We as human beings are always saying that it's the devils (satans) fault for everything that happens. Or even for something we do. The famous phrase "the devil or Satan made me do it", which is used a lot in court to try to dismiss a case. But in certain circumstances id does work. Which is ruled by insanity "crazy".

But I will be putting down some examples and questions of the ten commandments. You can believe what ever you want. But I truly believe that the devil or satan is not always the guy to blame. 

But first why do we portray the devil (Satan), a man with horns, tail and in red. Who has seen him? If we use the Bible as our authority, then the Devil looks nothing like we can imagine. His name originally was Lucifer and he was described like a bright morning star. Satan was the greatest of all of God’s creation. The greatest of all the angels and the most powerful being that God has ever created, including any human being ever made. When he was created by God, there was nothing like him in the entire universe and in all of God’s creation. 

In Ezekiel 28:12-18 you will find God describing him: “Thus says the Lord GOD, You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx, and the jasper; The lapis lazily, the turquoise, and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you. On the day that you were created they were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created. Until unrighteousness was found in you.” 

That is a little incite for those that make him look with horns, a pitch fork, a tail and all in red.

God tells us in many ways that we have free will. But lets see these examples and questions that I have combines with the 10 Commandments. What is your answer?

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
This will be defined as He is the only god you should believe in. But what can we do about the Buddhist, the Indians, the Hindus and so on. They have a belief that we can't argue about. So just because they have their god that means they are part of Satan's clan? Give it a thought. 

2. You shall not make idols.
This one will include everyone in the world. Because you know how many statues and dolls are portrayed as being "God". No one in earth has seen God or even a glimpse of his facial features. 

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
This one is very controversial because almost everyone says it. From politicians, musicians, actors and anyone you find in your path. Knowing this and you still say it. But does this mean every time we say "***Damn" was the devil or satan that made us say it?

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
So if you work on a Saturday that is considered to be the Sabbath and knowing this will you tell your boss that you can't work on Saturdays because you observe it? Or will you go for the money that you will be making that day. And if you choose to go was it the Devil that made you do it or you decided to work to pay the bills? Tough question right. 

5. Honor your father and your mother.
You were brought up only by your mother or father. Whom ever it was raised you to become a successful man or woman. Would you still honor thy father or mother? Or they deserved your hate and anger for not being there when you most needed them? Or the devil made you treat them different even if they came back in the picture later to ask for forgiveness? Hmm?

6. You shall not murder.
X person enters a house and kills everyone in the house and there is only one person alive that was working. Comes home and finds this horrible act. Will you retaliate against the man who committed such a crime or leave it to God to do his will? 

7. You shall not commit adultery.
This one we see and hear about in a daily basis. If you that read this committed adultery and know is wrong in the eyes of God. Will you come clean and tell your significant other what you have done, stop doing the sinful act or continue? Is this desire that you feel given by the devil or is it within you? And I am NOT pointing fingers at no one. Just putting it out there.

8. You shall not steal.
We all know that the government in general act upon this. But what if you are walking down the street and you see that a Well's Fargo truck dropped a bag full of money in a place that the officer can't see it. Will you tell the officer that he dropped the bag or will you wait until they leave and take it? Is it the devil that made you do it or that intense rush of getting that money and spending it on what ever you want?

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You start in a new job where everyone gets along with you. But there is this guy that keeps to himself and does not talk to no one unless he is spoken too. You ask one of the guys that what is the issue with that guy. They tell you that he is a murderer and a lunatic. Do you believe your fellow co-workers and ignore that guy? And if you do believe them, did the devil made you do it or you decided to ignore him? 

10. You shall not covet.
I can say that almost everyone has desired something that they can't obtain. You are at the mall with your family and this beautiful woman looks at you, smiles and even winks at you. What are you to do? Will you desire her? Or you see that your best friend has a brand new car. And you still have your beat up car. Will you want to have one? And if you desire the woman for that exact moment, was that you or the devil that thought of it? 

In the end, we see that the idea of a truly ‘free’ will is both philosophically and Biblically unsound. Our desires and our nature/character determine our choices, but we are never forced to act contrary to that nature/character so in that respect, we freely express ourselves through the choices we make. But where God is concerned, our sinful desire freely rejects God until He chooses to regenerate the dead, sinful nature in us and draw us to Himself.

Once that happens, and we are set free from sin’s control, we are truly free indeed!

I am a sinner. And I acknowledge it. Until the day I die. But those that hide behind a bible or a church to then criticize, say wrongful things about their friends and close ones, desire something that they don't have, say that they will help and then treat you like you are not worth nothing and worse than all judge a person because of their tattoos or music they listen those are the real sinners that are not worth nothing.

You will desire, you will kill to protect your family, you will talk smack about anybody, you will judge and you will sin every day. Take blame for what you do. Because you know the difference between good and evil. You know what is right and what is wrong. Please don't try to cover your self with this mask of the most devoted person to God. But if you want to change your ways, do it because you really truly want to. Accept your sins and ask for forgiveness, 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Death will come for you.

This kid grew up in the “barrio” where everything was taught in the streets. Where his best games were played outside. His mother was his number one. His father was not in the picture since he was around 4 years old. So he never knew him well. His mother was doing both roles.  Being brought up in the streets seeing everything from drugs to guns. From fights to people disappearing for not doing what they were told. He only knew one rule, the rule of the “barrio”. Don’t be a snitch and never give your back to your “familia”. 

His mother would go to the “plaza” and sell all the vegetables and fruits that were grown in their back yard. Honest and humble person. Loved by many for her caring heart and feeding the hungry. She tried her best to take her son up the right path. And always told him that to never forget where he came from. To always stay humble and kind hearted.

But even being brought up in the “barrio” and knowing how the streets worked he thought that he was a man with 17 years old. So he decided to ditch school and make his own empire. So he left the island and decided to venture to the states. He was told to meet with some friends in Florida because it was easy to build what he wanted. He left his mother behind without giving her any warning that he was leaving. Not even thanking her for what she did for him during the 17 years of his life.

His mother was devastated, could not believe that he had left her. She became sick and came into a depression that almost brought her to her death. Thanks to those she helped in the “barrio” she was able to survive and move on. Taking those that helped her under her wing. But she would cry herself to sleep thinking on where her son was. She would pray for him day and night. 

Some 14 years passed and he had the empire he desired. All the money, cars, woman, guns and power that he once dreamed. Drugs we flowing from left to right and he was the number one dealer for the area he lived. No one moved or did anything without his consent. He even had body guards that protected him 24/7. Everywhere he went, they went.

He was being watched by the police, FBI and other drug lords. Those drug lords did not like that a young kid was running the show in the area he was. They wanted him gone. They had people in the inside ready to move on him and make him disappear. But they were waiting for the exact moment to make the move. 

One afternoon he got a news that his mother had passed away. He started crying and got mad. So he made some arrangements to fly back to “la isla”. To the place where he learned all the ins and outs. But he was not welcomed as he expected. Even thou he had power in Florida, there in “la isla” he was powerless. He went to see his mother at the funeral and everyone gave him the meanest looks ever. He asked that who had paid for his mother’s funeral. No one answered him. He asked again with a demanding voice and tears in his eyes. 

This main guy, the one who controlled the “barrio” told him not to be trying to intimidate no one here. That he needed to show some respect to that beautiful woman who was present in the casket.  And how did he have the audacity to show his face around these parts knowing that he was not welcomed. That he was the cause that the woman who gave birth to him was dead. That he was a murderer and he will pay for that. He got real close to his face and told him that she would fall asleep praying for him to be well night in and night out. That they were there for her when she needed him the most. Then he spit in his face and told him that he was scum under his shoe. That he needed to move on and never set foot around these places. 

The 31 year old man left the funeral crying like a punk. Everyone looking at him with discuss and hate. He was sure not welcome around. He called his people to pick him up and take him back to the airport to fly back to his house. All the way to his house all he could see was his mother in that funeral all peaceful and beautiful. He regretted that he could not go back into time and take her with him. He was buried in this power of evil and was consuming him day by day. 

Five months passed with all this pain and anger inside him but he continued his business. But he was not the same, he was hurt and weak. The other drug lords were informed of this. These guys did not care what he was going threw, they wanted him eliminated. And were ready to move to the next step.

One night while getting ready to go to bed one of his body guards asked him if he needed anything else that he will be heading to the kitchen to grab a snack and then come back. He nodded no and told him it was ok. Right there laying on his bed about to close his eyes, he felt three painful shots on his chest. Did not even give him time to hide and cover.

That moment time froze. He saw himself laying on the bed all full of blood and him swallowing his own blood. He tried to scream for help and no one answered, because no one could hear him. Then he looks towards the window and sees this beautiful woman with the most amazing glow. It was his mother that came to see him in his minutes of death. 

She told him “Son I don’t want no explanations of why you left me alone suffering and in pain. I would have given you the world. Because you were my king. My handsome son even in my death bed I asked God to protect you and forgive you for your sins. But I heard a voice that told me that you were not doing well in this world, which you have to pay for what you have done to others. He told me that if you would have stayed in the “barrio” you would've became a successful young man. But you chose to leave me and your roots to try to become a kings in others man kingdom. I am so sorry my dear son. But not even in your death I can save you. May your soul rest in a world where there is no light and the only memories you will have will be the pain you brought to others.”

He was frozen, he could not even move. He was alone, the room became dark and full of this dark feeling that made him scream. He felt every single pain that he had giving his dear mother and those he had hurt. He was not even able to say how sorry he was. He was confined to a small dark room where his only light was the burning flames he saw out of the window. Death had came for him, and the years became infinite in the dungeons of hell. 

This is to show you that never forget where you came from and who brought you to this world. Never do to other what you don’t want to be done to you. What comes around goes around and death one way or another will find you and make you pay for what you have done. So forgive and be humble so other can forgive what you have done. Riches will bring you nothing only pain and suffering when you forget who you are. 

Lesson learned.

I have come to the conclusion that life is created to test your strength, to see how good of a heart you have. This is a small description of a hard working woman who realized that others have it way worse than she believes. And that helping other does pay off.

She went to sleep with the hopes of waking up and all her problems will vanish. That her debt will disappear and she would have the perfect credit score. So she can buy that house, car or anything she wants without any problems. And then she wakes up and her battle has just begun.

Her coffee is not ready so she has to walk to the kitchen and prepare it or just push a button. Then she follow on going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and realizes that she needs to buy more toothpaste because she is almost out of it. Then she turns on the shower and have to wait until its warm enough because she hate cold shower. So meanwhile she continues to brush her teeth.

Looking at herself in the mirror she laugh at all the faces she make just to brush her teeth. Then she stops for a second and realize that she has a pimple on her left cheek. Her good side, the side she uses to take selfies and pose with her friends. So she quickly finishes brushing her teeth and turn off the shower because the mirror was getting foggy. She grabs a towel from the rack and cleans the mirror. And she start to stare at her pimple. That evil germ that has taken the beauty away. She thinks of popping it but then realizes that if she does she will leave a mark. She starts thinking should she pop it or just cover it up. She decide to leave it alone and cover it with makeup.

She turns on the shower again so it can get warm and walk to the kitchen to prepare herself a nice cup of coffee. She starts pouring the coffee in her favorite mug and the smell of that fresh brewed coffee starts filling the kitchen. Mmmmmm she loves it. Then she proceeds to open the fridge to grab the milk and then she realizes that she used the last bit of milk last night for her nightly snack. But she does not worry because she has creamer. So she pours the creamer in her coffee and puts two tablespoons of sugar in her coffee and starts sipping that delicious liquid that goes well with her morning.

She starts walking to the bathroom where she starts getting undressed and steps in the shower. The water is just right. While soaping herself she start looking at her body and realizes that she has gained some weight. So she has two things so far to worry about; the pimple that is on her left cheek and her weight.

She finishes with the shower and proceeds to her room. And this is where the real battle begins. She starts taking clothes out of the closet to see which fits. Clothes on, clothes off, she can’t decide what to wear. She gets a call and it’s her best friend to let her know that there will be an emergency meeting early in the morning. And that news just got her more worried. Now she have three things to worry about; the pimple on her left cheek, her weight gain and what will happen in this emergency meeting.

So she got dress and ready to head out the door. But where are her keys? She had left them on the table next to the entrance. So frantically she starts looking for the freaking keys. She can’t blame no one because she lives alone. Then she remembers that she had a jacket on and that they can be there. So she runs to her closet and there they are on the right pocket. So she grabs her belongings and starts heading to her car. 

If her day could get any better, she has a flat tire. She starts yelling and throws all her stuff on the front seat, puts her coffee in the cup holder and opens the back door. She continues on replacing the tire and her hands get all dirty and starts to sweat. Even thou is like 55 degrees outside. No one stopped to help her in this process. When done she runs to her apartment and tries to get cleaned up. She noticed that she got a black stain on her favorite blue shirt. Almost about to pull her hairs out she runs to the closet and grabs another shirt that matches with her outfit and puts it on. While doing this she looks up at the clock in her bedroom and notices that she has exactly 45 minutes before getting to work and 20 minutes before traffic gets real bad. Turning off the lights runs to the door and locks her apartment. Jumps in her car and drives off. While driving she grabs her coffee and takes some sips of it. Still nice and warm the smell of coffee makes her control her nerves.

Then she notices that she has gotten every single red light possible. He phone rings, but does not pick it up. It rings for the second time and thanks that she has it connected threw Bluetooth she answer the call. It’s her friend asking her where the hell is she at. That she has 20 minutes to get there. She then states that she is like 10 minutes away. Hangs up the call and continues driving. Approaching the parking lot she notices that someone else parked in her designated spot. And she is get real pissed, because now she will have to park further away and walk all the way to her office. Now she has four things to worry about. The pimple that is covered with makeup on her left cheek, her weight gain, what will be discussing in the meeting and who the hell parked in her spot. 

She finally gets to her office. Putting her belongings on her desk her friend signals her to hurry up and points to her watch. So she grabs her laptop, coffee, pen, note pad and runs to the conference room. On her way there she sees a couple of new faces and continues speed walking to her destination. Finally there she sits down where she normally sits just in time before the boss comes in with some people she saw while coming in.

So the emergency meeting was that there was going to be a new product that they needed feedback from everyone and they needed it like yesterday. So at least she was relieved on one thing. But still have other 3 things to worry about. The meeting comes out with good feedback and everyone starts leaving the room when she stops everyone. She starts asking then that who parked in her spot. No one answered. So she then goes to her office to continue with her job.

Lunch is almost in the corner and she is still working hard on whatever she is doing. He friend calls her and asks if she wants to go out for lunch. She responds that today she can’t because she has a lot of work on her plate today. That she will grab lunch from the cafeteria downstairs. It’s time for lunch and she goes to the cafeteria and grabs a sandwich, a Pepsi and some snacks. Goes back to her desk and continues to work on whatever she was working on.

As the day goes by she stops and notices that she has not gotten a break at all not even to enjoy her lunch and that is almost time to head out to her house. She looks out the window and it’s snowing. She then remembers that her tires are kind of slick and that she still has that temporary tire on because of the flat this morning. So now she has five things to worry about. Her pimple that is covered with makeup, the weight gain, who the hell parked in her spot, buying four brand new tires and that it’s snowing. 

She gather her belongings and starts heading out the building when she forgot the keys. So she runs back to her office grabs the keys and heads out the building once more. The snow has accumulated like 3 inches. She turns the car on, then turns on the heater and waits in her seat shacking cold until her car finally warms up. She can’t believe all the stuff that has happened to her. She starts crying. Finally the car warms up and she start driving with caution. Stops at the tire shop to get four brand new all-weather tires. Now she is a little more at ease.

Then she is finally on her way home. On one of the red lights she sees this homeless man around his 60’s in a pretty bad shape asking for some money because he is cold and wants a cup of coffee. She also noticed that he has been there since this morning, that is snowing and is cold and heck outside. She clears her front seat and tells the homeless man to come in, that she will buy him a cup of coffee. He tells her that he does not want to dirty her nice car in the inside. She does not care about that and still tells him to come in.

The old man gets in her car and starts thanking her. She tells him not to worry. They arrives at a Panera Bread where they both go in the restaurant and she tells him to order whatever he wants. The he proceeds and requests a hot tall coffee and a sandwich. She then orders and follows by paying the total.

The old man is still thanking her and can’t believe that she has done this for him. There order is ready and they go to a window table and start eating. Then she asked the old man how and why he became homeless. So he proceeded on telling her his story. Not even half done with his story she stops eating and starts crying. She could not believe what she is hearing. He had served in the military for 35 years, gave everything for his kids, his wife had died of cancer seven years ago, his ungrateful children put him in a senior citizens facility, and they kicked him out because he could not pay to be there, he called his ungrateful kids for help and they all denied him the help. She was in complete tears. The manager from the store came to her and asked if there was a problem. She said no. To please leave them eat in peace. The old man stopped talking and told her that he was sorry if he caused her any pain or bothered her with his life.

She told him that she was honored in meeting him and being able to share a snack with such a great man. He told her that tank you but he was just a homeless man with nothing to lose. They finished eating and the old man continued to thank her. She said that she was not going to allow him stay in the streets with this cold weather. They drove to Walmart where she bought him some nice warm clothes and personal items so he could get cleaned up. He could not believe that a complete stranger is helping him. So after buying things for him and she’s getting some other stuff, they pay and head out to her apartment. He is still astonished and still can’t believe all that is happening.

They arrive to her apartment and she tells him where everything is and continues preparing the guess room for him. He was in the bathroom for at least two hours. When he finally came out, he was a changed man. She smiled and told him how good he looked. He just smiled and told her how grateful he was for what she was doing for him. She told him that he could stay there with her and she will get him a job too. He got in his knees and started crying. He started thanking God for such a blessing and he had sent an angel to help him. She just held his hand, knelled down with him and prayed.

That night she cooked and they both ate watching TV. Then he retired to bed because he was a little tired. She said good night and proceeded to clean the dishes and the kitchen. When finally done went to her room to start to take a shower. She looked in the mirror and smiled while brushing her teeth. When done she took a nice hot shower and proceeded to go to bed. Then watch some TV until she fell asleep.

The next morning when she woke up the pimple she had on her left cheek had disappeared. She then went to the kitchen to prepare her coffee and to her surprise the old man had cooked her breakfast and made her the most delicious cup of coffee she had ever tasted. She thanked him and ate breakfast with him. When finished she told him to get dress that she was going to give him a job. Then they got ready and while heading out her keys were on the table next to the door. They walked out and locked the door.

They proceeded to work where she got all green lights. She could not believe it. When arriving to work her spot was available for her. They started walking towards her office when she suddenly stopped and talked to the mail department. Then proceeded to her office where she told the old man that he will be working in the Mail Department and not to worry about anything that she had him covered. The old man could not believe it. He thank her so much. She then shows him where he will be working.
Even thou her debt had not disappeared, did not have a great credit score, didn't lose weight and never found out who parked in her spot. She was happy, content and blessed that she was able to help someone in need. 

So next time you someone in need, go and lend a hand. Today it can be them but later down the road it can be you. God will not give you material things but He will sure bless you and give you peace and tranquility.