But I will be putting down some examples and questions of the ten commandments. You can believe what ever you want. But I truly believe that the devil or satan is not always the guy to blame.
But first why do we portray the devil (Satan), a man with horns, tail and in red. Who has seen him? If we use the Bible as our authority, then the Devil looks nothing like we can imagine. His name originally was Lucifer and he was described like a bright morning star. Satan was the greatest of all of God’s creation. The greatest of all the angels and the most powerful being that God has ever created, including any human being ever made. When he was created by God, there was nothing like him in the entire universe and in all of God’s creation.
In Ezekiel 28:12-18 you will find God describing him: “Thus says the Lord GOD, You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx, and the jasper; The lapis lazily, the turquoise, and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you. On the day that you were created they were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created. Until unrighteousness was found in you.”
That is a little incite for those that make him look with horns, a pitch fork, a tail and all in red.
God tells us in many ways that we have free will. But lets see these examples and questions that I have combines with the 10 Commandments. What is your answer?
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
This will be defined as He is the only god you should believe in. But what can we do about the Buddhist, the Indians, the Hindus and so on. They have a belief that we can't argue about. So just because they have their god that means they are part of Satan's clan? Give it a thought.
2. You shall not make idols.
This one will include everyone in the world. Because you know how many statues and dolls are portrayed as being "God". No one in earth has seen God or even a glimpse of his facial features.
3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
This one is very controversial because almost everyone says it. From politicians, musicians, actors and anyone you find in your path. Knowing this and you still say it. But does this mean every time we say "***Damn" was the devil or satan that made us say it?
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
So if you work on a Saturday that is considered to be the Sabbath and knowing this will you tell your boss that you can't work on Saturdays because you observe it? Or will you go for the money that you will be making that day. And if you choose to go was it the Devil that made you do it or you decided to work to pay the bills? Tough question right.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
You were brought up only by your mother or father. Whom ever it was raised you to become a successful man or woman. Would you still honor thy father or mother? Or they deserved your hate and anger for not being there when you most needed them? Or the devil made you treat them different even if they came back in the picture later to ask for forgiveness? Hmm?
6. You shall not murder.
X person enters a house and kills everyone in the house and there is only one person alive that was working. Comes home and finds this horrible act. Will you retaliate against the man who committed such a crime or leave it to God to do his will?
7. You shall not commit adultery.
This one we see and hear about in a daily basis. If you that read this committed adultery and know is wrong in the eyes of God. Will you come clean and tell your significant other what you have done, stop doing the sinful act or continue? Is this desire that you feel given by the devil or is it within you? And I am NOT pointing fingers at no one. Just putting it out there.
8. You shall not steal.
We all know that the government in general act upon this. But what if you are walking down the street and you see that a Well's Fargo truck dropped a bag full of money in a place that the officer can't see it. Will you tell the officer that he dropped the bag or will you wait until they leave and take it? Is it the devil that made you do it or that intense rush of getting that money and spending it on what ever you want?
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You start in a new job where everyone gets along with you. But there is this guy that keeps to himself and does not talk to no one unless he is spoken too. You ask one of the guys that what is the issue with that guy. They tell you that he is a murderer and a lunatic. Do you believe your fellow co-workers and ignore that guy? And if you do believe them, did the devil made you do it or you decided to ignore him?
10. You shall not covet.
I can say that almost everyone has desired something that they can't obtain. You are at the mall with your family and this beautiful woman looks at you, smiles and even winks at you. What are you to do? Will you desire her? Or you see that your best friend has a brand new car. And you still have your beat up car. Will you want to have one? And if you desire the woman for that exact moment, was that you or the devil that thought of it?
In the end, we see that the idea of a truly ‘free’ will is both philosophically and Biblically unsound. Our desires and our nature/character determine our choices, but we are never forced to act contrary to that nature/character so in that respect, we freely express ourselves through the choices we make. But where God is concerned, our sinful desire freely rejects God until He chooses to regenerate the dead, sinful nature in us and draw us to Himself.
Once that happens, and we are set free from sin’s control, we are truly free indeed!
I am a sinner. And I acknowledge it. Until the day I die. But those that hide behind a bible or a church to then criticize, say wrongful things about their friends and close ones, desire something that they don't have, say that they will help and then treat you like you are not worth nothing and worse than all judge a person because of their tattoos or music they listen those are the real sinners that are not worth nothing.
You will desire, you will kill to protect your family, you will talk smack about anybody, you will judge and you will sin every day. Take blame for what you do. Because you know the difference between good and evil. You know what is right and what is wrong. Please don't try to cover your self with this mask of the most devoted person to God. But if you want to change your ways, do it because you really truly want to. Accept your sins and ask for forgiveness,
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