Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Obesity - Making the world an unhealthy place.

As I go down the road and look at all the fast food corporations I am just wowed by the multitude of people that come in and out of those places. And yes I am one of them, not all the time but once in a while I will indulge my self in a hamburger or a chicken salad. Which I have tried to cut down since I have been going to the gym. But my biggest point here is that we as a whole society are killing ourselves just to feed a craving that is killing us slowly.

Each fast food restaurant will tell you that they are healthier than the other one. Are they really? Can we eat from there on a daily basis? Can we guarantee that all of our foods will be fresh and cooked on the spot? No, not in a million years. All those foods are processed and frozen. They are not fresh and likely could have been there for some time. But we don't care, because a juicy burger is better than anything at the moment of the craving.

But lets think about this for a minute, which blows my mind every time. How can they say they are healthy when you go in try to buy a salad and is marked at 5.99 (and that is only the salad with out the drink), meanwhile a hamburger meal is 4:99 (fries and drink included). Or a water is 1.99 and a fountain drink is 0.99. And which you think that we are going to choose... right, the cheaper one.

I have seen 7 year old's eating like they are adults and are about your same weight or 15 lbs heavier. And adults that drive up and down on the scooters with an average weight of 350 or more. Which some I do understand that is a medical condition (diabetes, swollen glands, water retain, etc). But why let that take you down with all these fast foods and super sugary treats.

We need to focus on our health and our children's health. And as a parent you try to let your child indulge them selves in all this. I won't lie, I do take my daughter to a fast food restaurant once in a blue moon and buy them some fries, apple juice or milk and a small hamburger. But when we are home I feed them fruits, vegetables, foods that I cook and plenty of liquids (water, milk, juices). And I have never given my girls no soda. Why? Because that is how they start, plus they are super sweet and it will put them so hyper that for nap time, it will never happen.

I was 218 lbs, and I thought to my self "If I continue eating junk food, grease foods and sweets there will come the time that I won't be able to play with my girls or even enjoy a stroll with them at the park because I am super over weight". And it clicked "I need a change", so I joined a gym and started eating healthier. Cooked my own meals and started watching what I consumed. And believe me I feel much better about my accomplishments, and I weigh now 205 lbs. My goal is 175 lbs, which by not giving up I will get there.

So if you look in the mirror in the morning before heading out to work and see yourself not to your own liking. DO something about it. Take that leap and loose weight, stay in shape, try to eat healthier, instead of eating a candy bar grab an apple. Do it to make a difference in your life, for you and your loved ones. It may be hard in the beginning but you will love the outcome if you follow it with dedication.


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